
Accredited Online Bible College Degrees

Online Bible College Degree Completion

Mount Carmel Seminary and College welcomes any student who wishes to integrate the world of knowledge with the realities of Christian living. Subject to available space, an individual with the necessary academic background, financial resources, and character references and who is willing to accept the policies of the College as well as to adjust to its philosophical, religious, social, and cultural atmosphere may be admitted to the academic programs. Mount Carmel Seminary and College accepts each qualified individual without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, language, color, national origin or religion. Disabled applicants may be accommodated provided the courses applied for are those, which the applicants are physically able to cope with.

Fees and Tuition

Fees and Tuition

Enrollment Fees


Class Audit


Core Subjects


Over Achiever’s Program


Certificate Programs


Associate Degree


Bachelor Degree


Master Degrees


Master of Divinity


Doctorate Degrees


Honorary Degree Application


Individual Courses


Association Extension Organizations Program Application Fee


Association Extension Organizations Program Training Fee


Cap, Gown, Hood, Transcript Fee


Special Payment


Other Payment


Admission Requirements

An applicant may be admitted upon fulfilling five basic criteria: scholastic achievement, good character, financial support, good health, and intentions and interests in harmony with the philosophy and purpose of the college. Mount Carmel Seminary and College reserves the right of final decision on matters of entrance, retention, and withdrawal.

To be considered academically qualified for regular college admission, a student must attain one of the following standards:

  • Completion of an accredited secondary high school program (a twelve-year primary and secondary school program under ordinary circumstances) and/or successful passing of external examinations administered by the official or accredited educational agencies recognized by the local government in the applicant’s country. Examples of these standards are:
    • High school equivalency test, such as the GED Test with an average standard score of 50 on the five sections of the test and with no score less than 45 on any section.
    • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) with a total score of 990 or above for the verbal (V) and quantitative (M) sections or a score of 21 composite or higher for the American College Test (ACT).
    • Successful completion of an accredited college, Bible college or preparatory program at the twelfth-grade level with a minimum 2.00 grade point average or the equivalent.

Admission Procedures

An applicant for admission must submit all relevant documents and fulfill the following requirements:

  1. A completed admission application form.
  2. A USA $50.00 application fee. This fee is not refundable.
  3. An initial tuition payment of USA $450.00. (TOTAL $500.00)
  4. An official transcript of records from high school(s) and college(s) previously attended. The applicant is responsible for having these transcripts sent directly from the previous school(s) to the Registrar.
  5. Certified copies of all diplomas, certificates, transcripts, grade reports, test scores, and any other evidence of academic accomplishments attesting to the eligibility and qualification for college entrance. NOTE: All documents must be certified by a notary public, magistrate, school principal, or equivalent legal authority. Photocopies without the appropriate original signature or seal are not accepted as evidence of academic achievements.